Our Values
A family, to whom you belong.
We are part of the Relational Mission family of churches.
Watch our introduction video which explains who we are as “Relational Mission.”
Our nine values in relation to teaching, leadership and mission form the foundation of our family of churches and what we are as a ‘relational mission’.

Doctrinal Values
We believe The Bible is God’s word and through it we may know Him. The Bible shapes all of our doctrine, practices and church culture.
We receive God’s love freely through grace. This grace forms the basis of how we relate to God, each other and the world.
The Holy Spirit is available to each believer who seeks to receive him. All the gifts in Scripture are available and needed to build and empower the church today.

Leadership Values
Elders & Deacons.
Elders lead, feed, guard and guide the church. Like fathers they help the whole church family to play their part. Deacons are men and women who help to oversee different areas in church life.
Ephesians 4 Ministries.
All Ephesians 4 gifts (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) are needed to bring churches to maturity and to equip men and women to fulfil their God-given ministry.
Leaders follow Jesus’ example in serving others. Leaders are to be godly, authentic, accessible and seek to work together with others.

Missional Values
Local Church Focused.
We regard the local church as central to the mission and purposes of God. Through the church Jesus’ love is demonstrated to the world.
Expressed locally, globally and holistically.
Churches are engaged locally and globally. Every believer is in full-time ministry whether they are a stay at home parent, business leader or care worker, living out the gospel in every area of life.
Contextual freedom in application.
We recognise that our core values must be interpreted and applied differently in different contexts and cultures.

As contemporary evangelicals, we affirm modern statements such as the Evangelical Alliance statement of faith and the Lausanne Covenant. As part of the universal church, we also hold to the ecumenical creeds (the Apostles’, Nicene-Constantinopolitan, Chalcedonian and Athanasian Creeds). As Protestant Christians, we affirm that justification is by faith alone, and stand in the tradition of Reformation confessional documents like the Heidelberg Catechism, although we believe water baptism is only for believers.